In Australia, a tiny beetle causes “Christmas Eye” pain.

Residents in a remote region of southeastern Australia are being subjected to the agonizing and rare condition known as "Christmas Eye," which is brought on by the toxic secretions of a small native beetle.

Experts have stated that the excruciating pain was frequently compared to giving birth, despite the fact that the poorly researched eye condition appears to be a minor symptom of holiday excess.

Christmas Eye is unique in that it is typically only found in the Albury-Wodonga region of Australia, about 300 kilometers (186 miles) northeast of Melbourne.

Due to its connection to farming work, it is also known as “Harvester’s Keratitis” and “Albury-Wodonga syndrome.”

According to Rob Holloway, a local optometrist, Christmas Eye appeared during the Australian summer, “hence the name,” and was frequently straightforward to diagnose.

He told AFP, “Generally, the pain level is what diagnoses it immediately.”

It is ingrained in their memories. “You poor bastard,” is the common response.

Kelly Gibbons, an optometrist in Wodonga, stated that she had heard people “compare it to childbirth.”

She stated to ABC, a national broadcaster, “These people are in abject misery.”

According to Holloway, the native orthoperus beetle species, which measure less than 1 millimeter in length, are to blame for Christmas Eye.

When crushed, such as by someone rubbing their eye, the beetles release a toxic substance.

Holloway stated, “The insect has a component called pederin, which is a blistering agent.”

The eye’s surface becomes blistered and falls off as a result of this being secreted onto it.

According to Holloway, the recent increase in cases throughout Albury-Wodonga may have been caused by heavy downpours in the winter and spring.

The past year has been strange. Until the week before Christmas, we had none at all, but since then, we’ve been flooded for probably a fortnight,” he stated.

“We have seen 25 to 30 cases since Christmas. You might get 10 in a typical year. There has been significantly more than would normally be the case.

Holloway stated that, fortunately, antibiotics and other conventional treatments were sufficient to treat Christmas Eye.

The most important thing is that it recovers quickly. Two weeks later, there is no evidence to support it.”

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